Sometimes life throws us a curve that brings us the opportunity to learn with it. For me, I learned more is more.
About a month ago, I was in the wrong place at the wrong time and involved in a freak accident. First, a heavy impact from the side knocked me off my feet backward. In a heap on the floor, the pain was excruciating. Then, when my husband tried to help me up, my left leg wouldn’t support me, and the tiniest amount of twist or lateral knee movement had me in agony.
It earned me my first ambulance ride. The X-rays revealed a broken femur just above my total knee replacement: next stop, surgery to repair and reinforce. A day later, the orthopedic doctor installed a plate that extended from an anchor in the knee replacement up the femur to anchor into my hip replacement. Yup, a super bionic woman now.
They sent me home to elevate, ice, and keep all weight off the leg. I had a whole routine of prescription pain killers, aspirin, acetaminophen, and bone-supporting supplements.
Pain management
Wanting to move away from the narcotics as soon as possible, I reached out to a professional colleague. Bonnie’s a nurse who traveled extensively, studying the power of cannabis. She immediately offered some suggestions and sent me a healing package.
That healing package is where I learned there really is a distinct difference in strengths, and more really is more.
Supplements – is more better?
I’d tried using CBD capsules for minor arthritis pain. But, the topicals always seemed to do more than the supplements. Then, a colleague suggested I bump up the CBD capsules from the typical few grams to 25mg daily. It didn’t take long for me to notice improvement.
Bonnie suggested I set aside my current regime and, for ten days, take a loading dose of CBD100mg daily. The only caveat was that if I felt lightheaded or dizzy to stop taking it and reach out to her. Feeling lightheaded would indicate I had reached my max tolerance level. My body had plenty to use from and didn’t need more.
I completed the ten-day regime and then dropped to my standard 25mg dose with no side effects. The only thing I noticed during loading was a case of the munchies. The desire to snack seemed to fade away once I reduced the dose.
Topicals can be more
The other thing Bonnie sent me was two topicals. She suggested using them repeatedly and generously. KannaFREEZE is a soothing balm with menthol and 250mgpure hemp oil extract. The other is a unique CBG formula with 2000mg of CBG/CBD. I didn’t know they made anything like this.
Having tried topicals with the hip and knee replacements, I didn’t have a lot of expectations for the topicals. I was surprised—shocked is more like it. A 2000mg blend behaved far differently than the typical CBD topical I’d experienced. (Most are in the 200mg – 450mg range.) It quickly calmed from knee to hip.
Formulations matter
As a skin care specialist, I’ve studied product ingredients and penetration. Of course, we know some products can penetrate, but the skin is very efficient at its job of protection. Yet, with this lotion, I felt less discomfort almost instantly.
At the four-week mark, I’m seeing less knee swelling and can tell the bone is healing. I’ve reduced pain management to a couple of acetaminophens twice daily and liberal use of the topicals.
If you’re looking for topical relief products, it’s essential to look at the ingredients, the dosage, and how it’s formulated. How are they delivering it beyond the surface of the skin?
Superficial discomfort, or small joint arthritis, does well with low doses. However, deeper or more intense issues may respond better to higher doses and formulas created to enhance penetration.
As a licensed esthetician caring for and studying skin for over three decades, I knew there had to be a connection between stress and skin issues. I love that Rachael Brown shares the exciting new study proving this to be the case.
In this in-depth Beneath the Surface article, in Beauty Independent, Rachael shares the evolution of stress awareness and what the latest research has shown.
It’s taken a long time for this awareness to come to the surface and the link between stress and hormones to become recognized and discussed by both consumers and beauty brands.
In my practice I saw women cope with breakout, dehydration, and “tired skin” all triggered by stress. And when you can reduce the stress, the issues calm down.
Young women tend to be more stressed. Social pressures, hormones, and now they are constantly attached to electronics and digital messaging. And we knew that hormone production is tied to stress. Skin issues are the byproduct of those two culprits.
Rachael quotes a recent study that confirmed that “63% [of women] spend less time on self-care and 61% feel less attractive when stressed. While 75% agree that feeling bad affects their sense of feeling beautiful.”
Consumers are looking for real answers, not promises in a very expensive jar.
It’s an incredible opportunity for businesses and manufacturers to help consumers cope with the issues that stress triggers. Topical products focused on problem management, relaxation techniques, and supplements are all getting involved.
Whether you’re a beauty business or a stressed-out consumer, I think you’ll find her article interesting.
By Rachael Brown
June 2, 2021
Beauty Independent
As the co-founder and president of early beauty e-tailer during the tech-bubble heyday of the late 1990s, Sarah Kugelman’s career was on the upswing, but the tech euphoria soon soured into disillusionment and, which was scooped up by Estée Lauder in 2000, wouldn’t go on to realize the bold ambitions Kugelman had for it.
The extraordinary highs and lows of her ride put considerable pressure on Kugelman, who was wiped out physically and emotionally, and went searching for remedies to the stress that had taken hold of her initially in the fitness and diet arenas and, then, in beauty. “I became interested in how it related to beauty because that was what I was doing. At the time, skincare was dancing around stress,” she says. “There were brands like Aveda and Origins talking about natural ingredients, but not really about lifestyle and holistically what was going on in the whole body.”
Kugelman dove into researching stress to decode the relationship between stress and skin. She learned cortisol, the primary stress hormone, can break down skin structure and inhibit the skin from healing, and histamine, a chemical the stressed bodies release, can stoke rosacea. Ultimately, she identified five symptoms of stressed skin: accelerated aging, adult acne, dullness, dehydration, and irritation. She launched the brand Skyn Iceland in 2005 with a collection of six topical products packed with antioxidants and adaptogens to address the symptoms, and an oral spray with L-theanine, an amino acid known to decrease anxiety.
At the inception of the brand, consumers didn’t grasp the concept. “People were like, ‘I get that I’m stressed, and I get that my skin doesn’t look good, but I don’t know how they are connected,’” says Kugelman. “Somewhere between seven to 10 years later, people started to really get it. It became pervasive in the conservations we were having. I think that’s because of cell phones and social media. There were so many things that were stressing people out all the time, it became a bigger subject people were interested in.”
The subject has certainly caught on in the beauty and wellness industries, partially because they’re increasingly interconnected. Peace, calm, and relaxation are contending with brightening, firming, and wrinkle reduction in the pantheon of results beauty products pledge to deliver.
Whether applied or ingested, formulas are being designed to combat stress or the repercussions of it. Self-care has morphed from an indulgent escape to a therapeutic session.
“If the consumer doesn’t feel good on the inside, they aren’t going to look good on the outside.”
“Stress is the next frontier. It used to be clean,” says Jessica Assaf, co-founder and chief education officer of Prima, a CBD beauty and wellness brand with the tagline, “the science of stress relief.” She continues, “If the consumer doesn’t feel good on the inside, they aren’t going to look good on the outside. The categories are getting all blurry. Beauty brands can do food. Supplement brands can do skincare. There’s a blurriness that’s happening that gives brands more opportunity and space than ever to experiment.”
Kat Bryce, co-founder and global brand VP of Loum Beauty, a skincare brand in the portfolio of the incubator Present Life with the motto, “discover the science of calm,” and products formulated to combat the effects of stress on the skin, describes the market potential of beauty products confronting the damage wrought by stress as “enormous.” “Stress isn’t another category in skincare,” she says. “Stress and stress hormones are underpinning all of the skin problems we are concerned about.” (I added the bold – this is so important!)
In the ingestible segment, Barton Warner, CEO, and co-founder of stress management supplement brand R3set envisions enormous potential as well. He highlights data showing that, after general health, stress and sleep are the two leading motivators for why consumers under 50 years old turn to supplements. “When you look at the category of stress management products, it’s tiny,” says Warner. “There’s a big difference between what consumers are saying they are looking for and what the market is providing them. That’s why I think there will be so much growth over the next period. …”
“Stress is the next frontier. It used to be clean.”
Interest in stress-related products is prevalent because stress is incredibly prevalent. According to The American Institute of Stress, stress is defined as “physical, emotional and mental strain or tension.” In data collected by the organization in 2014, around three-quarters of Americans reported they regularly experience physical and psychological manifestations of stress, and one-quarter of Americans reported they live with extreme stress. Money, work, crime, violence, political and personal issues, and worries about the future are major causes of stress.
Not surprisingly, the pandemic exacerbated stress. Last year, the American Psychological Association’s annual survey on stress conducted by The Harris Poll revealed nearly 80% of Americans reported the pandemic was a significant source of stress, and nearly 70% reported heightened stress over the course of the pandemic. With the publication of the survey, the APA sounded the alarm about what prolonged elevated stress was doing to Americans’ mental health. It proclaimed, “We are facing a national mental health crisis that could yield serious health and social consequences for years to come.” …
In concert with Columbia University neuropsychologist Sanam Hafeez, Loum Beauty conducted a study of women aged 18 to 55 drawing links between beauty and stress. The first-of-its-kind study found 63% spend less time on self-care and 61% feel less attractive when stressed while 75% agree that feeling bad affects their sense of feeling beautiful.
The younger women in the study were hit by stress harder. Seven in ten of them said they feel less attractive when stressed. “At every stage of their lives, calmness helps women feel more beautiful and confident,” emphasizes Loum Beauty in the paper on its study.
If there’s good news on the stress front…
…it’s that members of gen Z who range in age from 9 years old to 24 years old talk about stress openly in manners previous generations didn’t. Not only do they talk about it openly, Hana Ben-Shabat, the founder of consumer insights firm Gen Z Planet, says they seek assistance for it and welcome brands jumping into the discussion about stress with them. She points out, “They are very happy to hear about what solutions could be there for them.”
The focus on stress in the beauty industry comes as beauty trends are being dictated by consumers rather than executives in boardrooms. While the beauty industry may have historically been an instigator of stress with its rigid beauty standards that most people can’t conform to, it’s striving to move away from that rigidity to resonate with broader swaths of consumers, especially younger consumers.
“We used to be aspirational and out of touch. Now, brands want to level with consumers, and they want to be part of their conversation and not above them,” says Assaf. “Gen Z is really taking a stand to say, ‘We are not going to buy the $200 night cream from you just to make us look good. We would love you to understand where we are coming from.’
The conversation we were having 10 to 20 years ago is outdated. It’s really about brands that are positioned to create a life philosophy and way of life for consumers.”
That way of life can be fostered via products, content and practices—and brands are shaping all three to counter consumers’ stress. Product application rituals and meditation protocols are meant to enhance mindfulness along with personal maintenance.
Loum Beauty partnered with Reiki master and holistic aesthetician Julie Civello Polier to devise two-minute meditations to pair with its products. Even music hitmaker DJ Khaled dispensed a guided meditation series to go with his new CBD grooming brand Blesswell.
“Stress and stress hormones are underpinning all of the skin problems we are concerned about.”
Beauty and wellness brands are developing products filled with ingredients intended to battle stress and the impacts of stress. Loum Beauty incorporates marine microalgae it promotes as diminishing stress-induced inflammation.
Malini Amin, VP of business strategy at natural fragrance manufacturer Custom Essence, singles out tried-and-true essential oils such as chamomile and lavender as containing soothing properties suited to stress-busting products.
She says, “Brands can tap into these mood-boosting benefits by carefully choosing the right fragrance to help elevate a destress claim.” R3set’s supplements, which are wrapped in essentials oils for comforting aromatherapy purposes, feature ingredients including valerian root, GABA, and ashwagandha for stress regulation.
Since the federal Farm Bill was signed into law in the United States in 2018 and legalized the hemp trade, CBD may be the most prominent over-the-counter de-stressor on the market. Josh Kirby, chief product officer at Kin Slips, a brand selling sublingual products with the cannabinoids CBD, CBN, and THC, comments the top reasons for cannabis use are almost completely associated with stress. He says, “A cannabis product can’t stop your boss from being overbearing, but you can utilize certain products to improve certain aspects of yourself to prevent stress from being such a trigger.”
With or without CBD, supplements and beauty products vow to offer stress relief without extensive commitment, a key component of their allure. One of R3set’s core consumer groups consists of busy moms who are unable to squeeze exercise, healthy cooking, meditation, and therapy into their loaded schedules.
Warner says, “We definitely educate consumers about other things they can do beyond taking supplements, but they like the fact that there is a very simple thing they can do to care for their stress.”
Consumers also dabble in stress-fighting OTC products to steer clear of pharmaceutical treatments. As a nurse before launching the brand La Parea Wellness five years ago, Samanta Moise saw clearly that stress was sickening people, but Western medicine wasn’t always equipped with proper answers for it.
Assaf supplies an estimate that 75% to 90% of doctor visits in the U.S. are tied to stress, and Loum Beauty figures 35% of dermatology consultations are affiliated with mental health qualms, predominantly stress.
In addition to her stress-addled patients getting sick, Moise struggled with migraines that could be brought on by stress. “I tried a lot of medications, but, once I started down the holistic route, which was yoga, meditation and aromatherapy, it helped a lot,” she says. …
As consumers discuss stress and sift through information about it, they may begin to decipher the multitude of forms it takes and gravitate to specialized products. Brands are already getting more sophisticated about stress.
Loum Beauty’s Bryce foresees a surge in haircare products that tend to the effects of stress on the hair and scalp. Kugelman imagines at-home tests that measure stress hormones, and brands tailoring products to test findings.
At Prima, Assaf is intrigued by the possibility of delineating various stressors, from social media to environmental pollution, and forging solutions for them from a product and content perspective.
“I would love the next generation of women to think, when they have a skin issue going on, where can I eliminate some of the stressors in my life as opposed to what is the most powerful skincare product I can put on my blemish?” she says, continuing, “One of the stressors that plague us every day is the constant scroll of Instagram.
So, you see wellness brands saying, ‘Yes, we have to be on social media,’ but, every once and a while, we put out a post that says, ‘Reminder, stop the scroll. Go out into nature.’ It’s about understanding that you can go outside of normal brand marketing to give consumers that out. That’s a brand acknowledging stress, and brands are doing this more and more.”
Assaf concludes, “We are trying to normalize stress. Nothing is wrong with you. We are all dealing with this, and here are products that you can get without going to the doctor.” With its products, Prima asserts “a less stressed-out you awaits.”
Judith Culp Pearson is a licensed esthetician, and published author in the field of esthetics. She is passionate about wellness and focuses on creating content and copy for businesses in the wellness sector.
If you’re feeling stressed know that you’re not alone…
However, getting stressed over being stressed just makes it worse. Since April is National Stress Awareness month, lets’ talk about how to de-stress.
Our lives have always had a lot of stress in them, but the pandemic has made it much worse. And since women tend to juggle more—they may feel it more. The World Health Organization has called stress the epidemic of the 21st Century.
When you feel stress it triggers cortisol. Cortisol in turn puts stress on your body. You’ll feel the tight muscles, headaches, fatigue, anxiety, irritability, anger, and poor sleep. All of these in turn trigger more stress. It’s a vicious circle.
It’s also something that every one of your clients is experiencing.
Here are some tips you can use to reduce your own stress and share with your clients.
MOVE! Get some exercise or do some stretches. Movement helps flush stress from your system. Take a moment between clients to stretch and work out the kinks so you don’t pass stress from one client to the next.
Eat well. There are really two kinds of eaters. Those who live to eat and those who eat to live. When we choose fresh and healthy, that’s what we get.
Get plenty of sleep. Sleep trackers can really help to understand how much quality sleep you’re getting. Electronics deplete your melatonin. Avoid them for 2 hours before bed.
End your day on a positive note. Relax with an herbal tea, a book, puzzle or play a board game with the kids.
Clear your mind with a little yoga or doing some meditation. Ponder your gratitudes.
Consider taking a supplement or use soothing teas to help manage stress. Ashwagandha, B-complex vitamins, Kava, Rhodiola, Melatonin, and Glycine are some ingredients to include.
Most of us think of success in terms of our careers. It’s far more than that. Our lives are not lived in a vacuum with career the only thing we need to do. We also need to pay attention to our health and relationships.
A friend had been burning the candle at both ends focusing all his energy on his career. He ended up having a heart attack. Help arrived quickly, but he was terrified. His thoughts immediately went to his five-year-old son. He looked up the doctor, fearing for his life. “Please don’t let me die.”.
He didn’t think of his work. He thought of those most important to him.
His story was a wake-up call for me. Time to do things differently and take care of myself. It was time to stop being a career-focused workaholic and ignoring my own health and my family.
We all need balance in our lives. If we don’t take care of all three of life’s aspects, we and our families suffer. The quality of our work suffers.
Three legs of balanced living.
Feeling good can be its own success. When we’re healthy and fit, we have more energy and engage more with life.
Health is inextricably tied to food choices, movement, and sleep.
Eat to feel your best. We all have some food types that make us feel icky afterward and others that energize us. If you put regular gas in a race car it won’t run right. The same is true for people. Discover the right foods for your body type. The whole family will benefit from healthy meals.
Eating to feel your best isn’t a diet. It’s a lifestyle. If weight management is a concern, there are several lifestyle diets that can support you. Everyone’s body responds differently so try to understand your own metabolism and body type to bolster success.
Movement is the body’s lubrication. Our workstyles today don’t offer a lot of movement. Try to take mini-breaks every 15 minutes. Just for one minute, stand up, stretch, flex your body. Studies have proven taking even a one-minute break every 15 minutes keeps your brain working at peak efficiency.
Build movement into your day. Park farther from the store, take the kids or dog for walks, dance while you’re getting ready in the morning.
One really easy trick is when you fold clothes. Take one piece at a time and fold it while you walk to another room to create your pile. Repeat for each item and you’ll be amazed how many steps you can rack up. Every step does count.
If you look at many elderly people, (an aged parent or grandparent), they tend to be weaker and frailer. Much of that comes from a lack of movement. The adage “if you don’t use it you lose it,” does hold true. The patterns we follow now build us an edge so we can enjoy an active life even as we age.
Most people don’t get enough sleep. Studies show that if we aren’t routinely getting at least 7-8 hours our brain function drops. Our productivity and creativity drop.
Stress can keep us awake. Worrying about your career, finances or personal issues pull down your ability to sleep and impair your work the next day.
One thing many people don’t realize is our electronic screens deplete the brain’s melatonin reserves. Melatonin is the chemical that helps us sleep. Turning off electronic screens an hour before bedtime helps you sleep better, longer.
You may find it’s a great time to do some relaxing stretches, Yoga moves, or meditation. Read something…a physical book or magazine, not electronic.
Have a relaxing cup of tea. Experiment to find what changes help you sleep better.
Career Success
Whether you think of it as your career, work or wealth, it’s what provides your income. For many people, 2020 brought a lot of career changes. Working remote, changing jobs or putting in a lot of overtime hours.
Hopefully, it is something you love. Spending your life doing something you hate is a bleak thought. If you don’t love what you do, make a plan to change.
What would allow you to do something you’d really love? When you love what you do, you’re more energized, productive and fulfilled.
Career change? Maybe you want to go into business for yourself. That takes time and lots of planning…and setting aside a nest egg.
If you run your own business, you want to learn, grow, and implement. Discover what works and learn from what doesn’t. Your work benefits from making a plan and following it.
Working remotely? Don’t let it take over your life. Schedule a start time and an end of work day time. Try an alarm on your phone to remind you it’s time to shut-down the office and spend time with family.
Success in Relationships
Relationships are key to emotional and mental health. Family, friends, a partner/spouse each bring their own value. Relationships enhance your feelings of belonging and feeling loved.
When we give and help others we get far more in emotional return. Giving without keeping score enhances every relationship. It makes you freer and happier.
In your family work together, clean together, and play together. Not only are we raising the next generation of adults, together time makes magical memories.
Decide what your top goals are for today, this week, this month, this quarter, and this year. If it’s a big goal, break it into doable chunks. Put those steps on your calendar. In each area of your life, what is the one thing you will do today? Tiny micro-steps, make change happen.
Our world has gone upside down. We’re experiencing things we never expected to encounter… and it’s deadly.
The coronavirus has been devastating to businesses, families, and literally impacted the world.
Did you know we women are more prone to depression than men are? Losing jobs, fear of losing a home, or the worst…losing a loved one to the coronavirus are REAL potentials.
For many…those fears have become realities.
What you may not know…
You may have stress relief already within reach!
Reach out and hug your furry buddy!
Doctors have known for years that canine visits helped those who were hospitalized. They bring smiles.
Their snuggles do even more. Touching a dog is magical. The outside of a dog, caressing that lovely fur triggers brain reactions. It’s like eating chocolate…it triggers a feel-good response.
Ever noticed if you, or one of the family, don’t feel well physically or emotionally the dog hangs out a little closer. They share their empathy. It radiates from them to us slowing breathing, calming the heart rate.
They may have their personality quirks, but they offer complete and total adoration, trust, and belief in you. They can’t conceive of betraying you.
I read recently of how they are now letting good citizen dogs lay next to a child receiving a chemo treatment. It distracts the child, it calms them. Of course dogs love that bit of attention too.
There’s a really great book by Jon Franklin, The Wolf in the Parlor that explains the brain connection we share with dogs. I found them used on Amazon. It’s a great read.
Ramp up your furry friend’s happiness quotient
So while we’re stuck at home sheltering in place with this coronavirus, do something nice for your fur baby. Here are four quick, easy ideas.
Take them for a walk. You know how much they adore going for a walk. This time relax, take a deep breath and let them have a “walk their way”.
My Havanese doesn’t get that walks should be for exercise. He thinks they are for sniffing their way along.
While your dog leads the walk, tune in to your surroundings and look, listen and even feel nature around you that is so easy to miss when we walk OUR way.
2. Give them a good brush. It will keep them cleaner and tidy if you can’t get them in for a normal grooming regime. It also gets your hands in the healing fur.
3. Bake them some treats. Even better if you have kids at home. It can be a group kitchen skills learning session. Your dog won’t care if they don’t look perfect.
4. Schedule cuddle time. My “Tigger” knows that each evening about eight, my husband and I settle on the couch to watch a Netflix show. He heads right up to share my seat with me.
He soaks up attention, lets me pet his soft as velvet coat… and we all destress. How do you like to destress with your fur baby?
I saw an article on this come across my desk from the Institute on Natural
Healthy choices include protein
Healing and I had to share. Is it really magic? Maybe not but it is so right in front of us we frequently miss it.
As women who try to eat healthily and maintain our weight, we’ve noticed that as we get older our metabolism may not work as well. (Sometimes like I feel there was a Shetland pony somewhere back in my gene pool.) And…it seems to get worse every year.
So what do we do? Maybe cut out the sugar, avoid or minimize starchy carbs. Even reduce portions because serving size ties to calories…which add up to pounds.
There’s a new study that shows there is a crucial factor in keeping you strong and healthy, independent and out of assisted living. If you start now… it will help you avoid that dreaded fate.
So here’s the story…
A study in Newcastle in the UK followed 722 people who were 85 years young. They logged their height, weight, diet and studied their medical records. They monitored any changes in their abilities and disabilities for five years.
Their results supported their hypothesis that the amount of protein eaten directly related to keeping people strong.
They confirmed that currently recommended levels needed to be raised. Maybe it’s that we’re living longer. Maybe it’s because protein levels are lower per serving in what is available to us versus 50 years ago.
So if you normally have 2000 calories per day, you should be getting about 150 grams of protein. If you’re pinching it to 1200 calories you need 90 grams.
Don’t let conversion get you derailed. It’s not that hard. There about 7 grams of protein in 1 ounce cooked meat. Four ounces boneless chicken breast when cooked yields about 3 ounces or 21 grams.
In addition to including protein in every meal, think about adjusting snacks so they are protein rich.
My naturopath once told me, “protein every time you eat. With every fruit or veggie, (carb), balance it with some form of protein.”
Some excellent sources of protein include:
Organic turkey and chicken
Grass-fed beef and pork
Wild-caught fish and shellfish
Raw nuts and seeds, including almonds, hazelnuts, macadamia nuts, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, and walnuts
Pastured eggs
Full-fat organic dairy
Whey protein drinks
Start now…
Starting as young as you can to live for longevity. Keeping yourself strong may mean you can avoid that nursing home. You could live out your days living life on your terms and able to do the things you love.
Start your plan now to de-stress the holidays. The winter holiday season can mean you’re super busy not only at work but at home. This means more stress and all of its side effects.
Did you know we women are more prone to depression than men are? And the winter season with shorter periods of daylight can bring on depression.
Research studies have shown death rates peak in December and January across the US, regardless of what part of the country you live in. Stress is a key part of those numbers.
There are dozens of ways to make holidays less stressful, but here are 5 easy favorites.
1. Dump the expectations to reduce stress!
It is super easy to take on more than even Wonder Woman could accomplish. Think about the things that are your favorite parts of the holidays and focus on those. Delete those things that create more angst for you.
If that means cutting out long-distance travel, do it. If it means buying cookies for the school instead of baking them…do it, and don’t feel guilty.
When work gets stressful and overwhelming with clients asking for extra hours…set boundaries and stick to them.
Think about limiting your social engagements to a “doable” level. Instead of feeling obligated to be everywhere and do it all… focus on the events and people that give you the most pleasure.
2. Make holidays a family team effort.
Get the kids and spouse involved. Delegate so everyone gets a part of the workload and more engaged in the fun. Delegate set priorities and simplify.
Make NEW traditions that focus on involvement, relaxing and having fun.
If that means less decorating or less than perfect decorating or gift-wrapping…go for it.
Maybe it means getting a grip on the spending and setting limits on the quantity and price of purchases.
Maybe it means teaching kids the benefits of helping others. One less gift for themselves and the opportunity to pick out something for someone less fortunate.
3. Get active…
When we get busy and stressed, often the first thing to go is the exercise routine. Just 30 minutes of moderate exercise makes a huge difference in stress management. Take the kids and the dogs and get out in the fresh air for a walk.
Weather too lousy for outdoors? Walk at the mall. Or move exercise into your living or family room. Kids love games and videos – dig out the PlayStation, Xbox, Wii or Nintendo. There are great exercise games available for all of them. Let everyone join in and it becomes playtime.
Studies have shown video exercise games are just as effective as a gym workout or a 30-minute walk.
4. Start early to reduce stress
If you wait until the last minute, things always get more stressful. Starting early can make all the difference. Shop early, bake early (and freeze), and decorate in stages. If you mail out cards or write a holiday letter… get them ready to go now.
My personal favorite part of this is shopping. When we go on vacation…regardless of what time of year that is, I look for gifts that the recipient will love and allow them to share something from our experience. Be sure to put them where you’ll be able to find them months later and label them with the recipient’s name.
5. Entertaining? Get guests involved.
Instead of trying to do it all, make it a potluck and let each guest contribute. Guide them with choices so you get a nice diversity not six of the same thing.
To minimize party stress, keep it relaxed and casual.
What are your favorite ways to minimize holiday stress? Please comment or message me.
Wellness sign with wooden cubes and flowers and stones
How do you define this hot topic?
We can trace the roots of wellness back to Greece, Rome and Asia. They all influenced what we today call wellness.
If we go back to the Oxford English Dictionary, we can trace wellness back to the 1650’s. It referred to the opposite of illness… being in good health.
In the 1970s, a group of doctors created models for wellness including assessment tools. They established the National Wellness Institute in the U.S. and the modern movement began.
As our modern lifestyle affected millions of people’s health, the need for wellness globally became clear. The Global Wellness Institute was established with the goal of eliminating preventable diseases.
So what makes up wellness?
In my research, I found the “pillars” of wellness defined into from 3 to 12 categories. But when you look at them… it boils down to three interrelated basics.
Body – if you don’t take care of your body… it will pay you back.
Body self-care includes diet. Yup, you are what you eat.
It includes movement. We are made to move… not sit like lumps of coal. Exercise, stretching, and breathing are all important.
And sleep. The body needs rest and sleep to restore itself. During the day, we are in protection mode. When we sleep is when the body does self-repair.
Mind – like the body, the mind needs stimulation. It wants input.
We’ve watched the mind of a child grow, learn, remember and build on it. We never lose that need. Whether it’s a formal class, exploring nature or learning anything new…it helps the mind thrive.
Soul / spirit is the third component. It includes how we connect with others, values, beliefs, our emotions. It’s also tied to our surroundings, our environment. To flourish, it wants relaxation. A time to slow down and just be. It’s your soul that loves those hugs.
Spa Wellness Insider explores all of these…
I’d love to hear your definition or your favorite wellness activity…. Anything that nurtures body, mind or spirit. Please post and share…
There’s nothing like a hug from a friend to boost your day. But did you know hugging can actually help keep you healthy?
Science has been studying hugs for years and their results confirm what we all knew…hugging makes us feel better. But we underestimate the “why” we need those hugs and how they benefit us every day.
Here are 7 key reasons you should offer and get hugs…
Stress relief – when we hug, it triggers the release of chemical hormones. Endorphins travel throughout our body relaxing muscles, de-stressing us and even improving heart health.
Immune booster – Those endorphins boost our immune system. Ever noticed when people go through a crisis they often get sick or catch a cold? It’s tied to stress and hugs help you fight back naturally.
Unfortunately, as we age…we may suffer from fewer hugs. Studies have shown few hugs lead to a detrimental impact on health. Get more hugs and you will stay healthy longer and heal better, faster. Seniors who aren’t getting hugs from loved ones benefit from access to a pet they can hug and stoke.
Connectivity – In a world of electronics, we tend to connect more with cell phones than we do with other people. Skin to skin contact – a good hug, helps build relationships, offer comfort and improve outlook. We know babies need held and cuddled. So, it seems, do we adults.
Self-esteem – Hugs make you feel better about yourself. They build confidence. Hugs reduce fears and anxiety. They also strengthen relationships. Couples who hug more have better relationships.
Happiness booster – The release of oxytocin, serotonin, and dopamine boost our feelings of happiness and reduce depression. The deep touch we experience during a hug or even petting a cat or dog works on our nervous system. It helps us stay balanced and even sleep better. They also work on the part of the brain that makes us feel hunger. More hugs reduce cravings and can help us keep a healthy body weight.
Improve Performance – Studies show that when athletes give each other team hugs the boost in hormones improves their performance. So send your kids, spouse or friends off with a good hug to improve their day…. And get the same benefit for yourself. Hugging is a win-win activity. Everyone gets equal benefit because our body activates what it individually needs.
Pain relief – Yup, studies have proved that the touch of a loved one can reduce our response to pain. A hug, hand holding, stroking between those with an emotional connection release hormones that provide a drug-free method of pain relief.
Hugging –
A good hug is genuine. It’s freely offered and accepted. It’s never pushy. A heart to heart hug that lasts for 3 breaths or about 20 seconds gives the greatest results.
How many hugs? There aren’t any scientific studies on a quota of hugs needed but the psychotherapist, Virginia Satir is often quoted. People need 4 hugs a day for survival, 8 hugs a day for maintenance and 12 hugs a day for growth. Most of us need more hugs that we are getting.
You’re cruising along, everything going great and then life grabs you by the throat and says “Ah-ha, gotcha!” You now have a new life crisis to deal with. It’s scary, emotional, even devastating.
What we forget is that adversity is really normal. It’s the unexpected that trips us up.
You might be facing a medical condition or the loss of someone dear to you. Right now we are seeing thousands lose absolutely everything in the horrible California wildfires.
Events like this are traumatic and disruptive. They trigger a huge amount of stress. To complicate what you’re dealing with that stress can lead to illness which just makes everything worse.
So how do we cope?
Face the demon and try not to panic. Take a deep breath and get some hugs. The comfort of others helps us deal. Support cannot be over-rated. No matter what the problem, don’t be afraid to reach out.
Look for any bright side you can find… yup, sometimes they can be hard to see…
You and your family are safe.
A surgery can fix that medical condition.
You caught the problem early and you just have to get through it.
You have a spouse, family, friends and even pets who will love you right through this.
There are a lot of people who want to help you.
What can you do? Make a list. Any action takes you a giant step forward mentally and physically. It might be as simple as letting family know.
What sort of help do you need? Physical, mental, support?
Take care of yourself.
You might not feel like it but going for a walk somewhere pleasant can be a boon. Eat healthy choices. Get plenty of rest – resting is restoring…healing. Talking things out, meditation, prayer… all can help.
Lean on your team, take actions, care for yourself… and get those hugs. This too will pass.