What’s Wellness…

How do you define this hot topic?
We can trace the roots of wellness back to Greece, Rome and Asia. They all influenced what we today call wellness.
If we go back to the Oxford English Dictionary, we can trace wellness back to the 1650’s. It referred to the opposite of illness… being in good health.
In the 1970s, a group of doctors created models for wellness including assessment tools. They established the National Wellness Institute in the U.S. and the modern movement began.
As our modern lifestyle affected millions of people’s health, the need for wellness globally became clear. The Global Wellness Institute was established with the goal of eliminating preventable diseases.
So what makes up wellness?
In my research, I found the “pillars” of wellness defined into from 3 to 12 categories. But when you look at them… it boils down to three interrelated basics.
Body – if you don’t take care of your body… it will pay you back.
Body self-care includes diet. Yup, you are what you eat.
It includes movement. We are made to move… not sit like lumps of coal. Exercise, stretching, and breathing are all important.
And sleep. The body needs rest and sleep to restore itself. During the day, we are in protection mode. When we sleep is when the body does self-repair.
Mind – like the body, the mind needs stimulation. It wants input.
We’ve watched the mind of a child grow, learn, remember and build on it. We never lose that need. Whether it’s a formal class, exploring nature or learning anything new…it helps the mind thrive.
Soul / spirit is the third component. It includes how we connect with others, values, beliefs, our emotions. It’s also tied to our surroundings, our environment. To flourish, it wants relaxation. A time to slow down and just be. It’s your soul that loves those hugs.
Spa Wellness Insider explores all of these…
I’d love to hear your definition or your favorite wellness activity…. Anything that nurtures body, mind or spirit. Please post and share…
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